Important Notices from CPA to Parents regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Our office managers are available M-F, 9 am-3 pm 5 days a week by phone for questions/support. Please contact (313) 499-3010 to speak to our support staff.

Covid-19 Update for 2021-2022 School Year

Welcome Back to our Chandler Park Academy District Students and Families! School will look a little different this year, but we’re excited to safely see you. Before we get started, we want to share the new updates on health and safety protocols for our students and staff.

CPA District will adopt the Layering Protective Approach as defined by the CDC that encourages multiple actions to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus and variants. The CDC says, “this layering includes a combination of protective actions, such as screening and testing, mask-wearing, ventilation, hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes, staying home when sick and more.”

Will my student need to wear a mask all day?
CPA Will Have A Universal Mask Mandate. All students, staff, vendors, and community members inside of District buildings will be required to wear masks regardless of vaccination status. Masks will be provided on-site if an individual does not have one.

Does my child still need to practice social distancing?
The District will maintain 3 ft of social distance between students and staff where possible.

What other precautions will be taken this year?
Temperature checks at school entrances and sanitation stations will remain in effect this school year.

Are vaccinations required?
Although not required, vaccination is highly encouraged for all students and staff. We will share opportunities for vaccination throughout the year for our CPA community.

What if someone in my student’s class or school tests positive for COVID-19? 
Temperature checks will be performed daily upon arrival at each building. If a person is confirmed to have a temperature above “normal” that person will be sent to an insolation room in the building. (The CDC registers 100.4 or higher as “fever” — meaning it would be almost 2 degrees above what’s considered an average “normal” temperature of 98.6 degrees.) If it has been proven that he/she has tested positive for COVID-19, contact tracing will be put in place so that notification can be provided to those who have been in contact with that individual. Individuals must remain out of the building until the proper quarantine time has passed before returning (preferably with an all-clear from a physician).

What should I do if my child is sick? 
Parents will be asked to complete a screening process and keep the child at home.  Please contact your physician and then update the school with a diagnosis from the physician before returning the student to school.

Thank you families and staff for your continued support during this time. If you have any additional questions or would like more information, please check the latest CDC Mandates and/or Michigan Health Department websites.

-Chandler Park Academy

Dear Chandler Park Academy School District,

This email is to inform you that a vendor/contractor at Chandler Park Academy Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19. All staff and students who were in close contact have been notified. 

The district reported the case to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported case and will await their further directives if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting its investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff, and families during the process.

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of Jan. 31, 2022

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 01/31/2022)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students # of Staff # of Vendor/Contract Staff
Pre-K 0 0 0 0
Elementary 40 37 3 0
Middle 20 13 7 0
High 30 22 8 0

Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated.
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care. Staff experiencing Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

This note and future COVID-19 updates can be found on the CPA website:

Dear Chandler Park Academy School District,

This email is to inform you that a vendor/contractor at Chandler Park Academy Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19. All staff and students who were in close contact have been notified. 

The district reported the case to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported case and will await their further directives if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting its investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff, and families during the process.

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of Nov. 15, 2021

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 11/15/2021)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students # of Staff # of Vendor/Contract Staff
Pre-K 0 0 0 0
Elementary 13 13 2 0
Middle 9 9 0 0
High 16 16 3 0

Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated.
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care. Staff experiencing Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

This note and future COVID-19 updates can be found on the CPA website:

Dear Chandler Park Academy School District,

This email is to inform you that a vendor/contractor at Chandler Park Academy Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19. All staff and students who were in close contact have been notified. 

The district reported the case to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported case and will await their further directives if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting its investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff, and families during the process.

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of Oct. 20, 2021

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 10/20/2021)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students # of Staff # of Vendor/Contract Staff
Pre-K 0 0 0 0
Elementary 12 12 1 0
Middle 6 6 0 0
High 15 15 2 0

Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated.
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care. Staff experiencing Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

This note and future COVID-19 updates can be found on the CPA website:

Dear Chandler Park Academy School District,

This email is to inform you that a vendor/contractor at Chandler Park Academy Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19. All staff and students who were in close contact have been notified. 

The district reported the case to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported case and will await their further directives if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting its investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff, and families during the process.

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of Oct. 13, 2021

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 10/13/2021)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students # of Staff # of Vendor/Contract Staff
Pre-K 0 0 0 0
Elementary 11 11 1 0
Middle 4 4 0 0
High 10 10 1 0

Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated.
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care. Staff experiencing Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

This note and future COVID-19 updates can be found on the CPA website:

Dear Chandler Park Academy School District,

This email is to inform you that a vendor/contractor at Chandler Park Academy Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19. All staff and students who were in close contact have been notified. 

The district reported the case to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported case and will await their further directives if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting its investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff, and families during the process.

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of Sept. 27, 2021

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 09/27/2021)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students # of Staff # of Vendor/Contract Staff
Pre-K 0 0 0 0
Elementary 4 4 0 0
Middle 2 2 0 0
High 4 4 1 0

Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated.
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care. Staff experiencing Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

This note and future COVID-19 updates can be found on the CPA website:

Dear Chandler Park Academy School District,

This email is to inform you that a vendor/contractor at Chandler Park Academy Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19. All staff and students who were in close contact have been notified. 

The district reported the case to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported case and will await their further directives if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting its investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff, and families during the process.

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of Sept. 15, 2021

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 09/15/2021)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students # of Staff # of Vendor/Contract Staff
Pre-K 0 0 0 0
Elementary 1 1 0 0
Middle 0 0 0 0
High 1 1 0 0

Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated.
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care. Staff experiencing Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

This note and future COVID-19 updates can be found on the CPA website:

Dear Chandler Park Academy School District,

This email is to inform you that a vendor/contractor at Chandler Park Academy Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19. All staff and students who were in close contact have been notified. 

The district reported the case to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported case and will await their further directives if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting its investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff, and families during the process.

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of Sept. 08, 2021

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 09/08/2021)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students # of Staff # of Vendor/Contract Staff
Pre-K 0 0 0 0
Elementary 0 0 0 0
Middle 0 0 0 0
High 1 1 0 0

Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated.
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care. Staff experiencing Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

This note and future COVID-19 updates can be found on the CPA website:

Dear Chandler Park Academy School District,

This email is to inform you that a vendor/contractor at Chandler Park Academy Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19. All staff and students who were in close contact have been notified. 

The district reported the case to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported case, and will await their further directives, if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting their investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff and families during the process.

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of May 26th, 2021.

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 5/26/2021)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students # of Staff # of Vendor/Contract Staff
Pre-K 0 0 0 0
Elementary 1 0 1 0
Middle 3 1 1 1
High 6 2 4 0

Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated.
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care. Staff experiencing Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

This note and future COVID-19 updates can be found on the CPA website:

Dear Chandler Park Academy School District,

This email is to inform you that a student at Chandler Park Academy High School has tested positive for COVID-19. All staff and students who were in close contact have been notified. 

The district reported the case to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported case, and will await their further directives, if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting their investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff and families during the process.

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of April 29th, 2021.

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 4/29/2021)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students

# of 


Pre-K 0 0 0
Elementary 1 0 1
Middle 2 1 1
High 6 2 4

Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated.
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care. Staff experiencing Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

This note and future COVID-19 updates can be found on the CPA website:

Dear Chandler Park Academy School District Staff,

This email is to inform you that a student at Chandler Park Academy Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19. All staff and students who were in close contact have been notified. 

The district reported the case to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported case, and will await their further directives, if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting their investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff and families during the process.

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of March 24th, 2021.

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 3/24/2021)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students

# of 


Pre-K 0 0 0
Elementary 1 0 1
Middle 2 1 1
High 5 1 4

Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated.
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care.  Staff experiences Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

Please see the link below issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on How to Protect Yourself and Others:

Dear Chandler Park Academy School Families,

This update is to inform you that a student at Chandler Park Academy High School have tested positive for COVID-19.

The district reported the cases to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported cases, and will await their further directives, if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting their investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff, and families during the process.

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of January 13, 2021.

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 1/13/2021)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students

# of 


Pre-K 0 0 0
Elementary 1 0 1
Middle 0 0 0
High 5 1 4

Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated.
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care.  Staff experiences Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

Please see the link below issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on How to Protect Yourself and Others:

Dear Chandler Park Academy School Families,

This update is to inform you that staff members at Chandler Park Academy High School have tested positive for COVID-19.

The district reported the cases to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported cases, and will await their further directives, if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting their investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff, and families during the process.

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of January 11, 2021.

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 1/11/2021)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students

# of 


Pre-K 0 0 0
Elementary 0 0 0
Middle 0 0 0
High 4 0 4

Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated.
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care.  Staff experiences Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

Please see the link below issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on How to Protect Yourself and Others:

In accordance with the Wayne County Public Health Advisory – Public, Non-Public, and Boarding Schools issued on November 20, 2020, CPA School District will shift to 100% virtual instruction from December 2, 2020, through January 15, 2021. The decision is based on the recommendation of the Wayne County Department of Health, Human & Veterans Services to prevent the spread of disease. We are very appreciative of the CPA community for their ongoing efforts to adjust and ensure that the health and safety of students, parents, staff, and administrative members is a top priority, by adhering to the CDC and State guidelines and protocols.

As a reminder, ALL District extracurricular activities are canceled through Tuesday, December 8, 2020.

Students Currently In-School Who Need a Chromebook and/or Textbooks
If your student is currently enrolled in in-person learning and is in need of an electronic device, they can receive a Chromebook. Chromebook and textbook pick-up will be available Monday, Nov. 30, and Tuesday, Dec. 1 from 9 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 4 pm.

Elementary School Pick-ups: Door #6
Middle School Pick-ups: Door #8
High School Pick-ups: Door #12

Elementary School Office: (313) 884-8830
Middle School Office: (313) 839-9886
High School Office: (313) 499-3010

Access to Free Wifi for Your Home
Please contact Mr. Ken Williams to get set up with free wifi:

See the full Public Health Advisory HERE.

For more information on this decision made by the MDHHS, please visit

Dear Chandler Park Academy School Families,

This update is to inform you that a staff member at Chandler Park Academy Elementary School has tested positive for COVID-19. 

The district reported the case to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported case, and will await their further directives, if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting their investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff and families during the process.  

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of November 20th, 2020.

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 11/20/2020)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students

# of 


Pre-K 0 0 0
Elementary 1 0 1
Middle 0 0 0
High 1 0 1


Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated. 
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care.  Staff experiences Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

Please see the link below issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on How to Protect Yourself and Others:

Dear Chandler Park Academy School Families,

In accordance with the emergency order announced on Sunday, November 15, 2020, by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), and Governor Gretchen Whitmer, CPA High School will shift to 100% virtual instruction, and ALL District extracurricular activities are canceled during the State’s three-week pause. Because of increased interaction, the State has identified that these two groups are at a higher risk of contracting the virus.

From Wednesday, November 18, 2020, through Tuesday, December 8, 2020, high school students will remain at home and shift to 100% virtual learning. ALL District athletics are suspended effective immediately in accordance with the MHSAA.

High school students and school extracurriculars are set to return to in-person classes and activities on Wednesday, December 9, 2020. We will continue to monitor and share any additional updates with our CPA community.

Students in Grades PK-8
There will be no change for in-seat students in grades PK-8. Based on the emergency order and research from the MDHHS, these students remain at a lower risk of contracting the virus and can remain in school. If you have additional questions, please contact your school’s office.

Elementary School Office: (313) 884-8830
Middle School Office: (313) 839-9886

Computers & Technology for High School Students
If your high school student has not received a Chromebook, they will be able to pick one up this Monday and Tuesday from 8 am to 11 am and 12 pm to 3 pm at door #13.

Please contact the high school if you are in need of free wifi for your home.

High School Office: (313) 499-3010

Additional Questions
If you have additional questions, please contact your school’s office.

Please join us in keeping your families and communities safe so that we can all rejoin each other in-person soon.

For more information on this decision made by the MDHHS, please visit

Dear Chandler Park Academy School Families,

This update is to inform you that a staff member at Chandler Park Academy High School has tested positive for COVID-19. 

The district reported the case to the respective Health Department to confirm the self-reported case, and will await their further directives, if any. The Detroit Health Department is currently conducting their investigation, allowing us to notify our school communities, staff and families during the process.  

District leadership will provide updates regarding any new confirmed cases, and further instructions if advised by the Health Department. We will notify staff and families directly where there is a confirmation of COVID-19 cases that affects face-to-face (F2F) learning.

Below is information about self-reported COVID-19 positive cases for staff and students as of November 4th, 2020.

Chandler Park Academy COVID-19 Updates (as of 11/4/2020)

Building Total Positive Cases # of Students

# of 


Pre-K 0 0 0
Elementary 0 0 0
Middle 0 0 0
High 1 0 1


Chandler Park Academy has established strict safety protocols to ensure the health and safety of students and staff which include, but are not limited to:

  • Daily temperature checks for staff and students
  • Promotion of mitigation practices such as staying home when sick
  • Practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette (including handwashing with soap and water regularly)
  • Conducting daily health screens for staff and students
  • Requiring the wearing of face mask/coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated. 
  • Signage promoting safe practices will be posted throughout each building
  • Scheduled cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces daily and deep cleanings scheduled on Fridays
  • Proper ventilation and increased air circulation (i.e. opening doors and windows where possible)
  • Limiting of non-essential visitors.  Requiring visitors to wear a mask.
  • Providing designated isolation rooms or areas at each school for any student who experiences Covid-19 symptoms or feels unwell while additional steps are taken to seek care.  Staff experiences Covid-19 symptoms will be advised to leave campus immediately and seek medical attention.

Please see the link below issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on How to Protect Yourself and Others:

We know that our families and students at CPA have gone through a few very trying months. Please know that we are working around the clock with our leadership team to create a learning environment where all CPA District students can access quality classroom and learning opportunities next Fall. As we continue to plan for the new school year, we would like to gain a better understanding of the needs of our CPA families.

We need to learn more about how distance learning during quarantine went for your family and also, your preferences for the next school year.

Please complete the survey below honestly and as thoroughly as possible, telling us what is important to you and your family.

>> Complete the Fall 2020 School Year Survey for Your Child(ren)

Please watch the video below for a special message to our CPA Families from Diane Fisher, EdS., CEO of Education Enrichment Services, LLC, the education services provider for Chandler Park Academy School District.

The fourth and final distance learning packets are now available online. If there are any class-specific questions, please contact your student’s teacher directly or through the Parent Portal.

>> Access Distance Learning Packets Here

As we enter the final weeks of instruction, there are a few key dates and considerations to keep in mind:

  • In observance of Memorial Day, we will not have any virtual instruction on Monday, May 25, 2020.
  • Learning packet #4 will be the final packet for students K-11.
  • The final day for redos and virtual learning will be June 12th.
  • Updates to the grading rubrics have been made available as part of the Continuity of Learning Plan linked below on pages 4 and 5.

>> [DOWNLOAD] Continuity of Learning Plan: A Guide for CPA District Families

For families who do not have access to technology, instructional packets will be available for pick up this Friday, May 22, 2020. At this time, you will also need to drop off your student’s completed packet #3. This work should cover May 8 – May 22.

Please find additional pick up/drop off details on page 3 of the Continuity of Learning Guide, as well as answers to frequently asked questions on grading, senior events, standardized tests, etc.

Updated distance learning packets are now available online. If there are any class-specific questions, please contact your student’s teacher directly or through the Parent Portal.

>> Access Distance Learning Packets Here

As we enter the final month of instruction, there are a few key dates and considerations to keep in mind:

  • This learning packet (#3) will be the final packet for seniors.
  • Learning packet #4 will be the final packet for students K-11 (to be provided during the week of 5/18).
  • The final day for redos and virtual learning will be June 12th.
  • Updates to the grading rubrics have been made available as part of the Continuity of Learning Plan linked below on pages 4 and 5.

>> [DOWNLOAD] Continuity of Learning Plan: A Guide for CPA District Families

For families who do not have access to technology, instructional packets will be available for pick up this Friday, May 8, 2020. At this time, you will also need to drop off your student’s completed packet #2. This work should cover April 22 – May 8.

Please find additional pick up/drop off details on page 3 of the Continuity of Learning Guide, as well as answers to frequently asked questions on grading, senior events, standardized tests, etc.

In-person Instruction Suspended through the Remainder of the School Year

In accordance with Governor Whitmer’s guidance, CPA District will be suspending in-person instruction for the remainder of the school year.
In the coming days, we will share what the new normal looks like for CPA distance learning. In the meantime, remember that next week April 6th – April 10th is Spring Break, so, there will be no homework or distance learning. We will have more information prior to April 13th. Stay informed via social media, email, and our website.

Updated distance learning packets are now available online. If there are any class-specific questions, please contact your student’s teacher directly or through the Parent Portal.

>> Access Distance Learning Packets Here

For families who do not have access to technology, instructional packets will be available for pick up every two weeks on Fridays starting on Friday, April 24th. At this time, you will also need to drop off your student’s first completed packet. This work should cover March 23 – April 3.

Please download the pdf below for details on distance learning packet pick up and drop off, as well as answers to frequently asked questions on grading, senior events, standardized tests, etc.

>> [DOWNLOAD] Continuity of Learning Plan: A Guide for CPA District Families

With the Governor’s Executive Order to close school buildings for the remainder of the school year, Chandler Park Academy will have bi-weekly learning packets available for all students K-12.

Instructional packets will be developed with each grade and/or content standards as a focus.

For students with access to technology (computer and printer), the packets will be placed on the school website bi-weekly beginning April 22nd ( For students who do not have access to technology, instructional packets will be available for pick up bi-weekly on Fridays starting on Friday, April 24th.

Please download the pdf below for details on distance learning packet drop off and pick up, as well as answers to frequently asked questions on grading, senior events, standardized tests, etc.

>> [DOWNLOAD] Continuity of Learning Plan: A Guide for CPA District Families

Please watch the video below for a special message to our CPA Families from Diane Fisher, EdS., CEO of Education Enrichment Services, LLC, the education services provider for Chandler Park Academy School District.

While there will be no new learning packets this week, we are awaiting approval from our authorizer, Saginaw Valley State University and the Michigan Department of Education to approve our submitted distance learning plan through the end of the school year. We will share updates in the coming days regarding how this affects your students.

Teachers will be continuing to make contact with parents and students via phone calls and emails this week. Please encourage your students to read for at least 30 minutes each day and write about what they read for 30 minutes (K-2 students can practice their handwriting skills for 30 minutes as an alternative). Stay connected with us on social media for more tips throughout the week to keep your students engaged.

If you have not completed a technology survey for your family yet, please visit This will help us determine the best way to share the next round of distance learning packets with you and your student(s).

Please remember, food resources are available at Harper Woods High School Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10 AM – 1 PM. And if you have any questions, please reach out to us in your school’s Parent Portal.

Spring Break, Distance Learning Packets & Technology Survey Reminder

We will have Spring Break April 6th – April 10th, so there will be no homework packets distributed for this timeframe. To help us prepare to serve students and families beyond April 10th, we need each family to complete the technology usage  survey below:

>> Please Complete the Technology Survey for your Family (REQUIRED):

Meal Pickup Moved to Harper Woods HS

Effective immediately, meal pickup will no longer be at CPA. To reduce the potential exposure for service providers, meal pickup locations have been consolidated, and meals will now be available for pickup at Harper Woods High School. Details below:

Harper Woods High School

20225 Beaconsfield

Harper Woods, MI 48225

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.

Moving Forward: Technology Survey


While we continue to adhere to Governor Whitmer’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Order, we want to determine what your family’s access to technology. This will allow us to continue planning our curriculum and ensure that each student can participate in completing their coursework for credit, as well as experience the other virtual services we aim to offer.

>> Complete the Technology Survey for your Family: 

In accordance with Governor Whitmer’s announcement on Monday, March 23, 2020, issuing a “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Order for the State of Michigan, we have revised our school meal pickup schedule to ensure safety, while providing essential resources to our community.

The schedule on Tuesday will remain the same (9 AM – 1 PM), however, in adhering to the Social Distancing requirement, changes to the meal pickup schedule will be instituted this Wednesday:

  • There will be only one pickup site – Elementary Building – Door 6 (for the entire CPA District)
  • Pickup Time:  10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Pickup Days:  Monday, Wednesday and Friday ONLY
    (Meal bags will include enough food for the days of non-pickup)
    Friday’s pickup will include meals for the weekend.
  • We will also have pickup during the period of April 6 – April 9.
  • There will be no pickup on Good Friday, April 10, however, the April 9th bag will include meals for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Please share this message with any families with school-age children that you know who are in need.

Homework/Distance Learning Packet Pickup

Tuesday pickup for homework packets is canceled. Packets will be made available through the CPA Website later on in the week. We will notify you via email and social media when the work is available.

School Closure Update

Chandler Park Academy School District will remain closed in alignment with Governor Whitmer’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Order effective at least until Monday, April 13, 2020.

Please remain connected to the Chandler Park Academy School District through this page, our email list and social media where we will provide the latest updates. We will also alert you through robo-calls, email, and text with any changes in procedures or updates to events that affect our school.

We know that your student’s continued learning during this school closure is critical. To support the needs of the students of our district, teachers have created 2-week distance learning packets for every student.

Starting Monday, March 23rd, Chandler Park Academy School District will have 2-Week Distance Learning Packets (Homework) available for pick-up at your student’s school. Schedule and details regarding the pick-up process are as follows:

Parents will be able to pick up teacher-created work packets on Monday, March 23rd and Tuesday, March 24th.

To limit congestion and to practice social distancing, we are asking parents to pick up packets during the times listed based on your student’s last name. If you are unable to make your designated time, we will still aim to provide you with your student’s packet between the hours of 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM on these days:

Student’s Last Name Begins With Pick-up Time
A – F 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
G – M 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
N – R 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
S – V 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
W – Z 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Late Times * 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

* If you require a later pickup, you may come to the school between 3:00-5:00 pm.

Upon arrival, please be prepared to give your student’s full name and grade to the representative at the door.

Please pick up the packets for your student at his/her school at the provided door:

Student’s School Pick-up Location
Elementary Door 7
Middle Door 8
High Main Entrance (Door 1)

School Meal Pickup Update

We know that school closing presents additional hardships to families. So we’ve partnered with our meal provider to ensure children have access to free meals during this unprecedented school closing period.

Starting Wednesday, March 18, 2020, Chandler Park Academy School District in Harper Woods, Michigan is providing free breakfast and lunch to all children 18 years old and under to take home Monday through Sunday.

  • Pick-up will be available at the Elementary building (Door 6) and the High School building (Door 10)
  • Pick-up time will be between 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, Monday through Friday (starting this Wednesday)
  • Weekend resources will be distributed each Friday
  • Pick-up will be available throughout the school closure mandate.

Please share this message with any families with school-age children that you know who are in need.

Please remain connected to the Chandler Park Academy School District through this page, our email list and social media where we will provide the latest updates. We will also alert you through robo-calls, email, and text with any changes in procedures or updates to events that affect our school.

We will have further information regarding our approach to learning during this extended school closing period later in the week.

Dear Parents /Guardians:

We know it is alarming to hear all the news reports about the Novel Coronavirus. There is so much information being given out and frankly, it can be overwhelming, especially since Michigan has confirmed cases of the virus in the state and closed K-12 schools beginning Monday, March 16, 2020.

The administrative and medical staff of the Chandler Park Academy School District share your concerns, and we are developing programs to help us all respond appropriately and help support our CPA families during this time. We also share in Governor Whitmer’s sentiment that, “this is a necessary step to protect our kids, our families, and our overall public health.”

We are working closely with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), Wayne County Health Department and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who will be directing us regarding all procedures. So for now, effective immediately, all CPA District events are canceled and school is closed as of Friday, March 13, 2020.

The health and safety of our students and staff are paramount, and we want to assure you that we are working to determine our options moving forward with that in mind. Please be assured that we will update families, with new information as it becomes available.

Please remain connected to the Chandler Park Academy School District through our District website, email list and social media where we will provide the latest updates. We will also alert you through robo-calls and email with any changes in procedures or updates to events that affect our school.

Also, please read the handout below from the MDHHS regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. The handout will give current information and ways that you can protect yourself and family from the virus.

>> MDHHS 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Fact Sheet

Working together; adhering to the procedures given by the CDC and practicing good hygiene will help us to protect ourselves and others during this medical emergency.

Educationally yours,

Diane Fisher
Chief Executive Officer
Education Enrichment Services, LLC
Education Service Provider for Chandler Park Academy